Navigating State and Local Taxes for Special Needs Trusts: A General Guide

Understanding the state and local taxes, commonly referred to as SALT, is a crucial aspect of managing Special Needs Trusts (SNTs). The tax obligations of a trust can vary significantly from one state to another, and understanding these differences is key to ensuring compliance and minimizing tax liabilities. In this article, we’ll explore some of … Read more

Special Needs Trusts Vocab List: An Essential Glossary for Trustees

At BLISS 1041, we believe in the power of clear communication and shared understanding. We know that the world of Special Needs Trusts (SNTs) comes with its own unique language, and we’re here to help you navigate it. As part of our ongoing commitment to serving the special needs community, we’ve put together this comprehensive … Read more

Special Needs Trust Guide to Foreign Beneficiaries

When managing a pooled Special Needs Trust that includes foreign beneficiaries, trustees encounter unique challenges that require careful attention. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide trustees of pooled Special Needs Trusts with valuable insights and strategies to effectively navigate the intricacies of managing foreign beneficiaries. Our primary focus will be on helping trustees understand … Read more